So it’s after midnight. I’m lying on the couch in my apartment at Pico and 12th in Santa Monica. I just turned off the TV.Continue reading
Category: Politics
Life has its compensations
Manoeuvring the Majesty out of the small front garden in Finsbury Park was easy peasy – even with a mangled leg. As I reversed theContinue reading
Hollywood Ending
Exactly a year ago in an article entitled Once More For The Road, I thought I put an irrefutable case for a riders’ union. IContinue reading
Never forget that they’re Heroes!
“I thought I’d imagined sirens wailing faintly in the distance but Mark had heard them too and stood up quickly to check which direction theyContinue reading
Unknown Warriors
Every year when Remembrance Sunday is coming around, people start proudly displaying poppies on their social media profiles, while the louder, less reflective among themContinue reading
Johnson/Starmer Vs Corbyn
This morning I was all set to have my breakfast before launching back into the same old same old, in multiple arguments on Faceache, debatingContinue reading
Humanity or Hypocrisy?
If you’ve spent any time on social media recently (and frankly who hasn’t in these locked down days?), you can’t have failed to notice aContinue reading
A last minute plea!
On Tuesday I posted some wise words Dan Walsh had written about the Labour manifesto on Facebook and last night I sat up late tryingContinue reading
The Labour manifesto
With an introduction by Dan Walsh This is a terrific manifesto. The naysayers, the sneerers, the tutters, those decrying it as too utopian, too expensive,Continue reading
The Kids Are Alright!
“What did you do in the war daddy?” For people of my generation that was a question many of us (in particular the boys) askedContinue reading