So it’s after midnight. I’m lying on the couch in my apartment at Pico and 12th in Santa Monica. I just turned off the TV.Continue reading
Category: Observation
Unknown Warriors
Every year when Remembrance Sunday is coming around, people start proudly displaying poppies on their social media profiles, while the louder, less reflective among themContinue reading
Fake Pandemic, Fake News!
It was gone ten this morning before I got an opportunity to say more than “would you like a coffee?” to my wife; and byContinue reading
Me & Mick (Mick & Me)
“Fond Memories of Kentish Town” is an interesting example. I started it myself because I had very fond memories of the area I grew upContinue reading
Humanity or Hypocrisy?
If you’ve spent any time on social media recently (and frankly who hasn’t in these locked down days?), you can’t have failed to notice aContinue reading
A Reflection On Connection
I remember the 1975 referendum to stay in the common market. I was nine years old I didn’t understand what was going on but IContinue reading
Spare the rod…
…Spoil the chances of producing yet another generation who believe that the best way to teach a child respect is to beat it into them. ToContinue reading
No Shit Sherlock!
As someone who has been quite rightly much maligned over the years for his lazy, unacademic, non journalistic writing and occasional ranting, I’ve got to sayContinue reading
Click Bait & the Inverse Rule
This video is entitled “Harley Davidson owners ride off cliff”, which would appear to be overstating it somewhat, “HD owners topple into ditch” would be aContinue reading
You can’t patent something that occurs naturally
It was interesting to hear the furore about cannabis on this morning’s news (especially after that naughty Billy Hague spoke out in the Torygraph, demanding that it beContinue reading