TRD issue 48 – August 2001 While Hollywood’s ‘golden couple’ Tom Cruise and Nichol Kidman were going their separate ways after an LA divorce (whichContinue reading
12. Ron’s Story
TRD issue 47 – July 2001 The New Labour government was defeated in the Houses of Parliament for the first time since they rose toContinue reading
11. Hollywood Ending
TRD issue 46 – June 2001 In June there was yet more royal fury centred on the subject of marriage; Crown Prince Dipendra of Nepal,Continue reading
10. … Made glorious summer by this Duke of Yorkshire
TRD issue 44 – April 2001 Talk about hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, in a story that was completely unrelated to theContinue reading
9. The Spring Of My Discontent
TRD issue 43 – March 2001 The most interesting story in March 2001 was the news of the recovery of Donald Campbell’s boat Bluebird fromContinue reading
8. The Tao of Despatch
TRD issue 42 – February 2001 February 2001 saw the first incidents of foot and mouth in the UK for twenty years. Within two daysContinue reading
7. A.C.A.B. (Or are they?)
I caught a flash of orange ahead and gave my GT250 a little extra, shaving a few more percentage points off my margin ofContinue reading
6. Accidents Happen
TRD issue 40 – December 2000 The hot news was the heavily guarded showbiz wedding of Material Girl Madonna and mockney Lock Stock director GuyContinue reading
5. Precious Children
TRD issue 39 – November 2000 It was November 2000 when George W Bush, aided and abetted by his brother Jeb – the governor ofContinue reading
4. You can take the M road
TRD issue 38 – October 2000 Coming barely a year after the horrendous Paddington train crash that left 31 people dead, the October 17th derailmentContinue reading